Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The 10 Best Fat Burning Eating Tips

If you want to get more from your diet by burning fat while feeding your muscles, here are 10 eating tips to burn more fat. Though these tips focus on healthy eating habits, keep in mind that proper exercise is also an important factor to burning fat.

Fat Burning

1. Eat frequent meals - You should feed your body every 2 to 3 hours with small, nutritious meals. This will keep your blood sugar stable and allow your body to burn more of its fat reserve. Small meals can include sugar free yogurt, soup with meat and veggies, sandwiches, protein shakes, fruits and vegetables, beans or any other food that is free of white flour or sugar.

2. Eat more protein with fewer carbs -This type of diet is proven to be most effective at burning fat. Protein feeds the muscle and foods that are low in carbs tend to burn a higher percentage of fat.

3. Eliminate sugary treats - Elevated blood sugar prevents your body from burning excess fat. Eliminating sugary treats goes a long way to helping you burn fat. If you're a "sugar- holic" then give yourself one free day where you eat anything you want. Have your sugary treats on your free day and eliminate those treats the other six days a week.

4. Eliminate bread, pasta and white rice - Bread and pasta are usually made from white flour products which are notorious for spiking blood sugar level resulting in excess insulin secretion. This all but eliminates your body ability to burn excess fat in the presence of too much insulin. Brown Rice and whole grain pasta are okay but still keep these foods to a minimum when trying to burn fat.

5. Eliminate white potatoes - Unfortunately potatoes tend to spike blood sugar which needs to be avoided when dieting to burn fat. As contrary as this may sound, sweet potatoes are OK in moderation because sweet potatoes elevate blood sugar slowly compared to white potatoes. Sweet potatoes are very nutritious and considered a super food.

6. Eliminate sugary drinks - This should be a "no-brainer" because regular soft drinks are full of sugar and calories. Think of sugary sodas as liquid candy. Diet sodas and other low calorie beverages are acceptable.

7. Drink at least 10 cups of water each day - Strive for 16 cups but settle for 10 cups per day. Staying well hydrated helps your body burn more fat and rid itself of waste products.

8. Increase intake of high fiber foods - Start with high fiber cereal in the morning. Consider using soy milk which is high in fiber and protein. Fruits and primarily vegetables are high in fiber along with beans and nuts. High fiber foods require more calories to digest, increase bowel movement and considered the types of foods that burn fat.

9. Cut visible fat from meats - You save lots of extra calories by trimming away excess fat from your meat. Less fat means less calories and allows your body to burn a higher percentage of fat.

10. Eat celery and carrot sticks with low fat dip - This is a great low calorie snack food that makes you feel great and helps burn more fat. There's been some debate that celery can be considered a "negative calorie" food because it may require more calories to digest than its actual caloric content. Use low fat and low calorie dip to add more taste.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

4 Fat-Burning Foods To Eat For Fast Weight Loss

Foods that you should eat to burn fat fast are foods that are thermogenic in nature. By 'thermogenic', I mean foods that require the body to spend a lot of energy to digest them. Fat- burning foods do not necessarily mean those foods have to be 'hot' and spicy like peppers and other assorted spices etc. Not at all!


There are 4 fat-burning foods to eat to get rid of excess weight. They include;

1. Protein

The kinds of foods to eat for fast weight loss are these thermogenic foods and a very good example is protein. Protein is said to be the most thermogenic class of food. A lot of calories are burnt off while trying to digest them. The body's metabolic rate is increased and hence weight loss is achieved. Very good sources of protein are; turkey, chicken breast and other lean meats. Incorporate these in your diet for quick weight loss and sound health.

2. Green tea

You may or may not have heard about Green Tea. If you are a weight loss enthusiast, you probably would have come across it. Green tea works in such a way that it increases your body's metabolism significantly but unlike coffee and other caffeinated drinks, it does not increase your heart rate. This is very effective for quick weight loss. Green tea contains epigallo-catechin gallate (EGCG) and this is responsible to the increased metabolism. For anyone who wishes to lose weight fast, Green tea should be taken in place of other kinds of tea.

3. Fishes

Though this is an amazing source of protein, it also contains what is known as Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps boost metabolism. Fishes like Salmon and tuna and most other fishes, contain Omega 3 fatty acids. These Omega 3 fatty acids help to control the level of a hormone called 'leptin' in the body and this helps in reducing excess weight quickly.

4. Whole grain cereal and oatmeal

Intake of fiber and complex carbs help to lower insulin levels as these foods are digested slowly in the stomach. High levels of insulin encourage the body to store fat so it is important that you desist from eating sugary foods that increase insulin levels and instead make up your diet with whole grain cereal, nuts, fiber and oatmeal for effective weight reduction.

You can see that these are foods to eat for fast weight loss which should be incorporated in your daily diet. Stick to a meal plan today and make smart food choices so that you can quickly shed that excess fat.

Article Source:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Gain Muscle And Get Ripped

Sometimes the fitness media industry can throw us some inconsistent information. One month your reading the magazines and they're telling you that you need to eat mostly lean meats such as chicken breasts and fish fillets and keep the carbs and fats to a minimum and the next your reading that you need to get plenty of carbohydrates and fats into your diet too. So what's the truth?

Gain Muscle

The truth is that it all depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If you're trying to lose some body fat but keep the lean muscle that you've built on, then this is what you need to do. Take your bodyweight in pounds (we'll use 150lb as an example for the sake of this article). This would mean you would need to eat around 150 grams of protein, 150 grams of carbohydrates and 60 grams of fat (150 x 0.4) per day.

If you're trying to bulk up, you need to multiply your bodyweight in pounds (150lb) by 2 to get the daily amount of grams of protein you should eat per day (300), multiply by 2.6 to get the daily amount of grams of carbohydrates you should eat per day (390) and multiply by 0.8 to get the daily amount of grams of fat you should eat per day (120).

All nutrients should come from high quality food. For protein you should eat chicken breasts, turkey breasts, egg whites, lean beef, whey protein and fish fillets. For carbohydrates you should eat wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, long grain rice, vegetables, fruit and oats. For fats you should intake fatty oils. I personally recommend Flaxseed Oil as best sources for high quality fats. Your meals should be spread out throughout the day and you should eat 5-6 times per day.

All of the above should be accompanied by a strict exercise program. If you're trying to lose some bodyfat you should do heavy weights accompanied by light cardio. By heavy weights I mean weights that you can do no more than 8 reps per set with. Start off with 4 sets per exercise and take it from there. After your weight training workout, hit the treadmill and do light cardio for around half an hour to 40 minutes.

If you're trying to build muscle then do the exact same thing but don't do any cardio at all.

I hope this is a good starting point for you in your muscle and fitness building quest and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you luck!

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